
Work in Progress!

Please bear with me until I complete the pages for each of these projects.



Solo Project

I created a website which allows users to track, wishlist, and visualize their favorite anime and video games. They can also keep an inventory of their physical collections.

Abusive Language Analyzer

GTHacks 7 Hackathon Project

My team and I create a website that would analyze text and determine if it contains telltale signs of abusive language using machine learning.


Live Streaming Video Web App

Software Engineer @ LTN Global Communications

I worked on a web app that operators used to decorate live video (i.e. ad insertion, camera cuts, clip play-out) for live events streamed over the internet.

SaaS API Platform Connecting Multiple Channels to Bank Cores

NCR Corporation (now NCR Voyix)

I integrated APIs in a SaaS cloud environment to connect teller, ATM, and digital banking channels to bank cores.


Azure IoT Hub Load Testing Paper

Clemson University

I evaluated the performance of Microsoft Azure’s IoT Hub under heavy load to simulate a manufacturing environment.

Leadership Language Paper

Clemson University

I collaborated with Clemson’s Michelin Career Center to compare the gap between how student interns and their mentors describe the student’s leadership abilities.