Trick shot

Dan the Video Man

It all started with my brother and I making Lego stop motion videos.

We would borrow our mom’s camcorder and document the adventures of Billy Bob and Joe, our plastic protagonists. Despite not having even a decade of life under our belts, we spent considerable time and effort on those videos. It’s a shame we’ve can’t find them anymore. I still have the ones I made myself when I got older, though. Those ones were…unique.

I made this one myself when I got my own camcorder
My brother truly was ahead of his time

Later on, our parents gave us a Flip Video camera (remember those?), and we pretended to fly it through the air like an airplane. Oh, the joy and creativity of childhood!

Over the course of two decades, I’ve produced 70+ videos (that I can count anyway). I just have a blast making them! They range from gaming montages to comedic skits to slideshows to even instructional videos. Perhaps unsurprisingly, though, I prefer to create videos that evoke chuckles.

In the section below, I’ve shared a few of my videos for your viewing pleasure. All the videos on this page (with the exception of the Mud Buds video) are copyrighted by me, so no using them without giving me credit!

Sample Videos

Good Thing I Didn’t Step on That Mine…

My friends and I were having a fun time playing this cooperative game called Lethal Company. This clip demonstrates why the game is called “Lethal.”

My buddy and I ran an 5K Mud Run. He videoed the entire experience and challenged me to turn the footage into a fun montage. Here’s what I came up with!

Mud Buds Conquer the Terrain Race Mud Run!

Guy’s Night Fall 2019 Promo

I organized a guy’s night out for my campus ministry back in college. What better way to advertise than to create a promotional video?